
Chapter 1 Sample Blog

  Ms. Bussey's SAMPLE BLOG-- PRACTICE COMMENT Chapter 1(pg 3) Summary (should cover the entire chapter in 5-8 sentences):  The author begins illustrating the relationship between her and her mother with a memory she has as an adult.  By describing the complex emotions she feels while having her own child, it shows a great deal of empathy for her own mother.  She begins her story by suggesting that she has a more complete understanding of why her and her mother’s relationship is strained once she becomes a mother and an adult, but it also alludes to the misunderstandings and difficult relationship they shared when she was a child. It shows a great deal of love that her mother traveled from out of state to be present for her grandchild’s birth, but the emotional distance in her relationship with her own daughter is clear when she cannot be present and supportive when her daughter would like her in the delivery room.  Personal Reaction:  The first scene is dee...